Monday, November 9, 2009

My initial rant.

I'm sick of love everywhere I look.
I understand that I'm lonely and that's the reason I don't particularly find joy in my peers' displays of affection.
Kissing your boyfriend in your profile picture on Facebook? You disgust me.
Every status update is "I love you (insert name here)"? I abhor you.

I always say that I don't understand girls. And I don't. I cannot imagine being codependent on another person. I cannot imagine a person being my sole source of joy, let alone being someone else's sole source of joy. What a hassle and what pressure! Not something I want to experience.

While I used to constantly seek companionship, I would almost rather be alone now. Almost. I know as soon as I find someone, I'll being singing my usual "love is all you need" tune, but as of right now, I can almost see myself staying single for the rest of my life. Not saying that that's at all ideal, but I could deal with it. Breaking down every once in a while is healthy.

Maybe I'll meet my "boyfriend" in this show tonight. We'll see if actual love springs out of love onstage. Typically I put myself, wholeheartedly, into a role. We'll see.

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