Wednesday, February 3, 2010

He was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. And he wanted me.
He lived 100 feet away, though I had only known him for a few minutes. Or was it my whole life?
"Oh, you finally chose each other!"
No one is that blunt or correct in real life.
Then, in a flash, my love life is like Sex & The City. Stills of me flip to screen shots of him, punctuated by two second video clips and the "i"s are dotted with half second audio.
We couldn't find a parking space. That didn't matter. He had called me beautiful. I thought him gorgeous.
We were suntanned lovers that had a glow rivaling the sunset over the Pacific.
Wow. That was cheesy. I almost refused to wake up from this dream. Damn train.
Though he shared a name, you two look nothing alike. Maybe it's a prophesy.
My yearly horoscope did say something wonderful would happen to me in June.

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